

Register for The Pantry

Joining The Pantry, is easy

You can either:

  • Complete the registration form below, or
  • Just pop into The Pantry during opening hours, and register and pay then.

NOTE: If you are using the online form, you do not need to pay anything at this time, simply submit the form, and you can pay on your first visit.

Annual membership of £5 per adult in a household, and £2.50 per weekly visit

What happens to the information you provide on this form?

The information you provide is used solely to help us develop this service to suit your needs. We will NEVER share your information with any government department, local or regional council, private company, or third party.

Registration Form

Location & Opening Times

The Play Barn, Great Pardon Community Association,
Staple Tye, Harlow, CM18 6YJ

Saturday: 2:45 to 4pm
Sunday: 12.25 to 2pm